Socialization and homeschoolers, homeschool

Socialization and Homeschoolers

Homeschooling is becoming more popular, but some people worry that it will make kids socially isolated and prevent them from developing social skills. However, this is a misconception. Many homeschooled children are successful and have plenty of friends. Even though homeschooled kids don’t have the traditional school setting, they can still make friends through creative activities, online forums, homeschooling co-ops, extracurricular activities, community events, homeschooling networks, and other organizations. All these activities provide opportunities for children to interact with others who share similar interests and build friendships, Homeschooling can provide a supportive environment for children to explore the world and make strong connections with others.

Debunking the Socializing Myth

Socializing is a complex and often misunderstood concept. It refers to the process by which people acquire the knowledge and skills needed to function as a part of their society. This encompasses a variety of skills, including communication, problem-solving, and decision-making. It is important to note that this is not a one-size-fits-all process. It highly depends on the culture, values, and practices of a given society. For example, the way American teens communicate and make friends could be different than the way teens in other countries make friends. Thus, it is important to be critical of this myth when thinking about how homeschool kids socialize.

One of the most common misconceptions about homeschooling is that it will lead to social isolation and hinder the development of social skills in kids. The assumption here is that homeschooling is a social withdrawal from the world, and that homeschooled children will be less social as a result. This myth is largely based on two false assumptions: first, that socializing is limited to interaction with other people, and second, that homeschooling is a closed and unengaged way of learning.

Studies and Research

While this myth is widespread, there has been some research on this topic. One study, conducted by Elizabeth Thomson in 1991, looked at British and American homeschooled children. The findings indicated that most of the children were socially competent and well-adjusted, despite not having a formal curriculum or a standardized testing system.

In a later study, researchers Judith Dolores and Lindsay Miller analyzed the socialization of American homeschooled children. The findings suggest that homeschooled children are engaged in a number of social activities, such as attending social events and extracurricular activities, that are comparable to the social activities of traditionally schooled children.

How to Make Friends when Homeschooled

One of the best ways for homeschooled children to make friends is through creative activities, such as music lessons, drama clubs, martial arts, or art classes. These sorts of activities provide an opportunity for kids to meet other kids in the area who have similar interests and are also homeschooled. The nature center is another great resource to find classes while also getting you outside!

Park days are an excellent way for you to get out of the house and meet up with some other homeschoolers. It is stress free and requires no prep work. Just show up! This is also a nice way to meet other homeschool parents. Once you meet some parents, the rest just falls into place. You can meet up with a few families you have met for a science experiment or ice cream hour or at the library.

Your local library typically has some homeschool classes that your students can take. If they don’t specifically have a homeschool class, there are numerous classes after public school hours that kids can participate in. You can always ask for a homeschool class as well, most they’ll say is no.

There are also great resources for parents to meet and talk to other homeschool families through online forums and community websites. There are many online forums and message boards where homeschool families can meet and interact with others. For example, the Homeschooling forum on Reddit is a great place for families to ask questions, meet similarly minded people, and discuss a wide range of topics.

There are also a number of online groups and platforms where homeschooled kids can meet and make friends with other kids who share similar interests.

Online Resources for Socialization and Homeschoolers

Board games and online games

One way to socialize is to play online games or board games with other homeschooled kids. There are a number of online gaming communities where kids can play and make friends, including Roblox, Minecraft, PlayStation, Xbox Live, and Nintendo Switch. Other popular online games, such as Words with Friends or Fortnite, can also be used. It is also possible to create your own board game, whether digital or with a paper board, and invite other kids to play.

Social Media

Another way for homeschooled kids to socialize is to join and participate in social media groups like on Facebook. There are a lot of homeschool groups that your family can join and most of the local ones include parents creating events for all the homeschool children. Most of these are run by the parents and only keep active if there is participation.

Outschool or other online group classes

There are many online classes that you can sign your children up for. They range in prices but honestly there is something for everyone. We have yet to try Outschool due to time difference but once we move back to the mainland we will be using this resource.

Another online class we found is a simple lego class where the teacher talks about a topic while the children build and at the end can share what they made. The class is called Interactive Bricks. We love this class so much! Definitely check it out if you are looking for a fun, affordable class for your children.

Homeschooling Co-ops and Their Benefits

Homeschooling co-ops are an effective way for homeschooled kids to make friends. Co-ops are a group of homeschooling families who come together to share resources and instructional ideas, and to provide opportunities for their kids. There are several different types of co-ops, and all have the potential to provide an excellent opportunity for homeschooled children.

Depending on the type of co-op chosen, there may also be opportunity for kids to explore new interests and learn new skills. This can be especially helpful for kids who are shy or otherwise socially withdrawn. Co-ops can be a great way for homeschooled kids to make friends, explore new interests, and learn new skills through the support of other kids who are going through the same thing.

Conclusion Socialization and Homeschoolers

Homeschooling provides an engaging and supportive environment for kids to learn, explore, and make friends. There are a variety of creative ways for homeschooled kids to make friends, and many online forums and other online resources can provide a way for kids to socialize online. Homeschooling co-ops are also a great way for homeschooled kids to make friends, explore new interests, and learn new skills.

A big thing that I love about homeschooling is the ability for my children to be around multiple age groups. They learn how to interact with children younger and older and also adults. This gives them a good understanding of how we have to have different levels of communication. You wouldn’t talk to a 3 year old the same way you talk to a 16 year old or to an adult. This is an good skill to learn for everyone.

It is also important to remember that a few close friends that care for your child the same way your child cares for them, is more important than having a ton of friends that don’t show your child the same respect.

New to homeschooling? Check out this post about various types of homeschool methods.

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